torsdag 8 mars 2012



do you ever feel like breaking down?
do you ever feel out of place?
like somehow you just don't belong
-Simple Plan, Welcome to My Life-

have u ever felt that everything just went wrong? all is messed up? nothing's right? have you ever felt that you really need a shoulder you can cry on, but all of your friends are busy? saya merasakannya. 2 pekan ini, semuanya berantakan. KIP tidak terjaga, amalan yaumiyyah berserakan, tugas kuliah amburadul... ah! saya merasakan... sendiri dalam keramaian. bahkan 9gag tak lagi lucu. saya merasakan, ketiadaan kawan-kawan saat saya membutuhkan mereka. oke, mereka tetap ada di sekitar saya. namun mereka berkata 'tidak' saat saya minta sedikit kebersamaan waktu dengan mereka. apakah mereka salah? tidak. mereka memiliki kehidupan yang juga penting, yang tidak dapat mereka tinggalkan. lalu, siapa yang salah? tidak ada. it really is just a matter of time. saat masing-masing dari kami disibukkan dengan urusan pribadi. saat tidak ada kesamaan waktu luang, bahkan untuk sekedar bertanya kabar. apalagi ke kafe, hang out bareng, saling curhat, lebih-lebih karaoke. all rejected me... :) im trying to be strong. but somehow, a friend or even a stranger asking 'how are you?' menjadi hal yang begitu bermakna. apalagi jika pernah mencicipi indahnya ukhuwwah, nikmatnya berjamaah. saat-saat sendiri seperti ini, sungguh terasa berat. well, i hope im not making an apology to myself.

I'm just wondering, am I doing nothing now? Is all I'm doing just for myself? Only for my own shake, my own bussiness? I mean... come on! Life's just too short to do things for our own good. Khoirunnas anfa'uhum linnas. Sebaik-baik manusia adalah yang paling bermanfaat bagi orang lain.

Dear, God. I'm affraid if I'm doing nothing to others. I'm scared, if my life is nothing for others. No worth. Dear God, please keep me busy with good things. I'm scared... I really am scared... if these school tasks keep me away from contributions I could give to others... I'm scared.... Is my life worth it enough? Seeing my friends are busy with their job, their activities outside campus, somehow makes me envy. Me? I'm still sitting at the same classes with my juniors. All the tasks are arresting me. I can't live like this. No more, please! I do want to join in organizations again, meet people, cherish others, teach children... but I'm trying to be realistic now. I'm in my last year of my undergraduate study, I have a lot of tasks--I have to have tasks as many as I can so I could effort my graduation in the end of this year--, .... #@$%^&*)(%^#$  

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